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When you know how to use a brush and you have spent most of your professional life nuancing colors for the publishing world, how would you not be tempted to leave the virtual screen

to express yourself on a canvas stretched on a frame?

This passage to the act was for Albert Faniel the progressive revelation

an unforeseen as much as a personal journey.

Through an evolution which is the hallmark of all living painting,

Constants remain, in fact: panoramic formats,

the taste of shades and the use of acrylic.

It is this type of paint that was decisive:

impatient artist, Albert Faniel couldn't bear time

the oil dries, while the acrylic is much faster

and flexible in its use.

The elongated formats correspond to a broad vision,

offering horizons their original scale

accentuated even more often by the unpainted

at the ends of the canvas.

Finally, the shades that play together the shades of the same color,

is sort of the permanent treat

of one who has spent his life balancing colors for printing.

A. Moxhet

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